Natural Resource Projects (NRP)

The need for low cost high efficiency utilization of natural resources is a primary concern in helping those who continually face shortages of basic necessities. The survival rate and standard of living are greatly elevated for disadvantaged people if they have adequate water, electricity, and heat. Ways to provide these necessary elements are part of the process in providing for crucial needs.

People must have consumable water to survive, but water is also essential for growing food that will nourish the body. Water makes it possible to have livestock that can provide another source of food and a source of financial income. In addition water is needed for sanitary living conditions and control of disease. Many aspects of providing a good water supply must be considered. (more)

A dependable source of electrical power can provide huge benefits for disadvantaged people. To be able to have light, to have the ability to run electrical devices and machinery, and to have an alternate source of heat are the kinds of advantages that can make it possible for disadvantaged people to live on an acceptable level. One of the best sources for an independent supply of electricity is wind power. There is an ongoing need to investigate the development of reliable, cost efficient wind turbines. (more)

Research in the area of solar energy continues to be increasingly valuable as cost effective system are developed. Some crude forms of passive solar heat are employed in the green house project, but efficiency is limited. The search for solar solutions is a promising endeavor for certain applications in helping the disadvantaged community. (more)

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