Agricultural Projects for Families (ARF)

Our Ag-Division is currently researching projects that will meet the criteria of disadvantaged people in restricted countries.
* These applications are designed to help small groups (primarily families) who are able to work, but no work is available for them to meet basic necessities.
* The criterion for these projects includes products that will have direct and indirect benefits. Direct benefits will result in the family having a food supply from the properly managed project. Indirect benefits result from the sale or exchange of food products for money, services, or other needed items. The storage of food items for future consumption is also considered along with the training and equipment necessary to preserve such food items.
* The start up cost, while needing to be conservative, may be provided by outside sources. The on going costs should be supplied from the profit of the project itself. This last step requires hands on management training and usually some continuing supervision.
Current research is focused on 3 projects:

Green houses

Fruit Dehydrators


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